The color of plastic welding
2012-01-15 by seoer1
Laser Welding Electrode is one of two research components of the colors to be welded, which is used by the laser transmission welding principle of the decision. The following figure shows the result of the different materials, colors and degree of difficulty caused by welding. The first successful implementation of the transparent color - black materials, laser welding. In addition to black - black material welding has also been widely used.
As the composition of the plastic polymer is usually located in the UV absorption band startled and far-infrared region, so initially only the CO2 laser is used to study laser welding. But by adding pigment mixed and can dramatically change the optical absorption properties of plastic, so plastic in the visible and near-infrared region of the spectrum greatly enhanced from the original laser-transparent material into a laser absorbing material, such traditional Nd: YAG solid state laser (1064nm and frequency 532nm) and high-power GaAs semiconductor laser (800nm-1000nm) fiber lasers and new laser welding can be used as light source. Mixed with pigment and also changed the original Stainless Steel Electrodes characteristics and parameters, making it more suitable for a particular application.