2013-08-29 by xiugai
( 1 ) easy arc , to ensure stable arc, little spatter during welding .( 2 ) coating melting speed should be slower than the speed of welding core melt to cause flared sleeve ( sleeve length should be less Nickel Welding Electrodes than the welding core diameter ) , is conducive toDroplet and the resulting protective atmosphere ;( 3 ) the proportion of slag should be less than the proportion of molten metal solidification temperature should be slightly lower than the solidification temperature of the slag shell should be easy to take off ;( 4 ) a blend of gold metallurgical treatment effect ;( 5 ) to adapt the position of the welding.

keywords:welding rods
2013-08-29 by xiugai
Depending on the situation , there are three kinds of welding electrodes classification methods: Classification by welding purposes , according to the main chemical components of drug skin classified , according to drug skin meltedCharacteristics of slag after classification .In accordance with the purpose of welding , there are two forms of expression , one of the original establishment of the Ministry of Machinery Industry , welding can be divided into: structural steel welding rod, Heat-resistant steel electrode, stainless steel welding rod, welding electrodes, low temperature steewelding, Copper Welding Electrodes Cast iron welding rod , nickel and nickel alloy welding rod , copper and copper alloys , aluminum and aluminum alloys and special purpose welding rod . Two as the national standardProvides for the carbon steel electrode , low alloy electrodes, stainless steel welding rod , heap
Welding electrodes, cast iron welding rod , copper and copper alloys , aluminum and aluminum alloys . There is no principle difference between the two , the former with a commercial grade , said afterWere expressed by model .If the electrode coating in accordance with the main chemical components to classification, welding can be divided into: titania type electrode , titanium calcium type electrode, ilmeniteMine type electrode , welding rod of iron oxide , cellulose type electrode , low hydrogen typeElectrode, graphite electrode and the base type electrode.If you follow electrode coating melted slag characteristics to classify , welding can be divided into acidic and alkaline welding rod . Acid electrode drug skinMainly composed of acidic oxides such as silica , titania ,Ferric oxide and so on. Alkaline electrode covering the main component of alkaline oxides, such as marble and fluorite .Classification of welding in many ways, by use , respectively , slag basicity , the main component of electrode coating , welding performance characteristics of different anglesFor weldingclassification. By ApplicationChina's current electrode classification is primarily based on national standards and electrode prepared by the Ministry of Machinery Industry " welding material product samples ." Weld
Article models according to national standards are divided into eight categories, divided according to purpose electrode grade
10 categories .

keywords:welding rods