2013-08-31 by xiugai
tig mig welding wire and you have no differenceMIG (Metai inert gas) is an inert gas shielded arc
Stainless Steel Welding Rod welding, the wire should be used in the same composition and the substrate.
TIG (Tangstent inert gas) is tungsten inert welding. Tungsten is used as an electrode. TIG welding is generally used to eliminate the existing welding stress and improve the mechanical properties of the heat affected zone.

2013-08-31 by xiugai
What does MIG WELDING WIRE WireMIG is the inert gas welding, generally refers to argon
Cast Iron Welding Electrodes Welding is a welding wire is the wire this is just a general term, did not give a specific model, generally in the country, solid wire with the letters ER expressed