2013-08-30 by xiugai
MIG welding (metal inert gas welding) English: metal inert-gas welding with consumable electrode, outside plus gas as arc media and protect the metal droplet, the weld pool and weld metal arc welding of high-temperature zone method, called melting Nickel Welding gas shielded arc welding. Solid wire with an inert gas (Ar or He) shielded arc welding method known as metal inert gas welding, referred to as MIG welding.

2013-08-30 by xiugai
MIG welding process principlesMIG welding is the use of solid wire, in an inert gas (Ar) under the protection of an electric arc welding method take appropriate welding parameters for semi-automatic welding for aluminum bus production,Nickel Electrodes in order to ensure the quality of welding process, to overcome the aluminum prone to poor fusion welding, porosity and other defects, is a better welding aluminum and aluminum alloy welding method.