2013-08-29 by xiugai
1 , before welding it is necessary to make the appropriate surface cleaning of welded joints is best oblique cut a U-shaped groove .2, the only hole to play at both ends of the crack Aluminium Alloy Welding Wire expansion of cracks during welding .3 , repair bad angle , you can choose WE100 cold welding to form an effective U- slotted or V-shaped groove.4 , the welding current as small as possible , medium arc length , slightly tilted to the welding direction .5 , the proposed use of the weld bead short , thin and narrow lateral swinging torch , welding before stopping to fill the crater , usually carried out withoutHeat treatment, allow the parts to cool down slowly .

2013-08-29 by xiugai
Mass fraction is greater than 2.14% of the Fe-C alloys. In fact industrial cast iron is generally Fe-C-Si -based alloy. Carbon in cast iron is usually in accordanceThe distribution of iron in the form Aluminum Flux Core Welding Wire of classification, can be divided into white cast iron, Gray iron, ductile iron, compacted graphite cast iron and malleable iron . Because cast iron with high carbon content , organization inequality, low plasticity ,weldability poor inWelding process can easily produce white , cracks and holes and other defects in the
Welding should pay special attention welding technology and welding materials used .